Founded in Melbourne, Australia in 1978, Computershare (ASX: CPU) has grown (largely through overseas acquisitions) to become the world's largest share registry business.In brief, Computershare is a leading financial market services and technology provider managing over 14,000 corporate accounts totalling over 100 million shareholder accounts. Basically, Computershare specializes in the corporate trust, stock transfer and employee share plan services for thousands of issuers and millions of securityholder accounts.

Some twenty years after its founding, in 1997, the Australian-based company Computershare began to expand its evergrowing registry business to include financial markets in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

In subsequent years, Computershare expanded its business into Ireland, South Africa, and Hong Kong. Since the year 2000, Computershare had extended its global position by acquiring an important role in the American and Canadian markets. In particular, through the acquisition of the stock transfer sectors of Harris Bank in the US and Montreal Trust in Canada. Moreover, since 2004, Computershare has made itself present in emerging markets such as Russia and India by amassing considerable stock in respective registry market's. Also in 2004, by purchasing Pepper Global, formerly Pepper Technologies AG, Computershare expanded into the German market. For the most part, the entry into these new markets were accomplished through financial acquisitions of existing registrar corporations.


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